I finally decided to make a blog to share all the things I love with you all ❤
So I should maybe say a bit about myself and what I like..
My name is Zoe, I've always wanted to make a blog but felt a bit nervous to, not quite sure why... Anyway I want to blog to share my passions and loves with others, and hopefully be some sort of inspiration :-)
I love love love fashion, not necessarily the latest trends but different clothes and styles - I like to look unique. With fashion comes my love of shopping obviously, but right now the only shopping I do is Christmas shopping which is still great.
I also love makeup, any type of art. I like to try out different looks just for fun or sometimes switch the makeup brush to a paintbrush or pencil. I haven't done much drawing lately but I usually draw images which reflect my mood or pictures from anime (Japanese Animation). Right, not gonna go on any further for now just going to it at that :)
Oh and any tips or questions are hugely welcome, thankies bai ❤
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